Tit for Tat X 2


Everyone is telling us to get out and vote.  But who do we vote for?  who instills the most confidence, if any?

This is what we’ve got… Potty mouth anyone?


There is no denying he has a reputation for displaying a degenerate attitude toward women in general or in times past. Men take note. It isn’t funny! I got an airline pilot grounded once for grabbing me like Donald boasted doing. It is reprehensible and unforgivable.

The flip side, and the played down are Hillary’s own verbal tirades as follows:


It is obvious, her sharp tongue has sliced up a good many people not to mention her share of racial slurs which have seeped out as well. (calling Jews “kite”, while so many support her?) She has been shown time and again to have little regard for the “little people” who serve her.

“It boils down to whosoever is without sin, cast the first stone.”

It could be a lose, lose for the American people.

I am grieving.

**The above picture  was “stolen” off the net and I’m not sure if this is the right credit info: 488767-hillary-and-trump.jpg http://www.dnaindia.com


9 thoughts on “Tit for Tat X 2

    1. Amen to that. Sometimes people talk as though the only racial slurs are those aimed at Hispanic and Blacks, but it’s more than that and that’s a shame. PEOPLE should be respected not by color but by actions and thought and praised on merit and in those terms only.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. It is a sad time for the U.S., I think most Americans are perplexed but for me, it is the lesser of two evils and I will always vote for life. How anyone can think it’s ok to kill an unborn baby at 36 or 39 weeks is inhumane. I just do not get it! So, we pray…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think a lot of people vote based on those type of issues especially in a race such as this one. I can’t imagine anyone really likes either of the two candidates as much as they think they do.

      My sister mentioned “the lesser of the two evils” to me the other day…my response? Two evils both serve the same master. Not really much point to my comment lol. Just thought I would chime in.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I do not think Trump and Hilary Clinton are comparable.

    One is an imbecile. Racist, bigot, etc etc

    The other, Hilary, while definitely not perfect, is at least incredibly smart, very experienced and competent. She also has tremendous global respect. Presidential. Ready to hit the ground running.
    The other…. I fear for everyone. Unless you are white, male and wealthy.



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