Merry Christmas!

I was hoping to say something encouraging and insightful, but it was not a good year for me. I’ve incurred a great deal of losses and disappointments.

I would like to say I met all my goals, fulfilled all my dreams but I did not. I’ve been the lowest I’ve ever been and have, on more occasions than I care to admit, wished on numerous times to have left with my sister. I have never understood how people can mourn so deeply and for so long.

I’ve questioned God’s love over and over again and wondered what I did wrong that he would abandon me. I remember Job feeling that way and reminded myself not to curse God for what I didn’t achieve or get nor for his perceived abandonment.

I remember one time, telling my daughter how often I had felt that I gave and gave but had never gotten anything back in return. She asked me back, “Is that why you do it?”

Wow! Was that a slap in the face! I responded immediately, with, “No, but I’d like to feel appreciated once in awhile”, and I did. My childhood left me with many scars and lack of praise and worth were the most damaging. Even so, that question has always haunted me, because the truth is, I am no angel.

There have been many a time, when I did things because I wanted to be a hero and wanted someone to think I was better than I truly am. Not a good thing to learn about myself. I sacrificed years, being the good daughter to parents that had treated me horribly and although it brought me closer to my sister who I lost recently, it also filled me with such bitterness that I’m still working through.

I’ve spent too many years living my life to please others, including what I thought God expected of me.

That too, is something I’ve not figured out. What does he want or expect from me?

So, even though it is said, with age comes wisdom, it has not been true with me. I’m still learning.

Despite that, I am still hopeful that the year to come will prove to be the best year yet.

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I’ve written some, which has been a good thing. A big plus in fact.

I know the past two years have been rough on everyone. Being alone has never felt so lonely. We’ve all had to deal with unprecedented circumstances and for some of us, reason and common sense went out the window because of our confinement.

I’ve mostly made many a bad choice this past year and a very few good ones … Here’s to making fewer bad ones in the future and hopefully having my wishes and dreams coming true in the coming year.

I’m hoping as well, that common sense will come back to the human race and the people of this country. We all want love to dominate, but it can’t be forced. Give others the benefit of the doubt and not be so quick to be judge and jury. We’ve all been guilty of saying things that could be misinterpreted and why are people being held accountable for things said many years ago? That is so wrong. People change. Attitudes change. We learn, we grow. What we may have thought or done before are not necessarily who we are now. We were given free will for a reason. It is why Jesus set the example, when he asked, “he who is without sin, cast the first stone!” If nothing else, let’s remind ourselves of these things. The days ahead are hard enough.

So, I guess if I can remind you of anything, remember the reason for the season. Why we were sent a redeemer for our sins and show our appreciation by becoming better people.

Wishing you all the best now and in the future. May God bless us all.

6 thoughts on “Merry Christmas!

  1. common sense? That ship has sailed. As well as respect and being nice.

    Hang in there hon. It does get better….time does heal………….

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  2. Although I believe in a Creator, I don’t believe in the God of (any) religion….thus I never wonder “what I did wrong that he would abandon me.” I don’t hold this belief in order to avoid being disappointed, but simply because in my old age, I’ve decided to face reality as I’ve come to see it. I understand that everyone is different and has their own reality, therefore it’s not for me to try to convince you or anyone else to see life through my eyes. All I can say is that, while I can’t pray for you, I do appreciate where you’re coming from, and (as one human being to another) I relate and empathize with your life’s journey.

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